Tooth Whitening Can Brighten Your Smile!
The most common answer to “How would you improve your smile?” is “whiter and brighter teeth”! There are many causes of tooth discoloration including smoking, coffee/tea and other staining foods such as wine, blueberries etc., antibiotics, aging and genetics. And there are several ways to whiten your teeth; over-the-counter products, take-home trays and in-office whitening.
25% patients surveyed report using at-home OTC teeth whitening products which include whitening strips, paint on gels, mouth trays, whitening toothpaste and whitening gum. Their effectiveness varies. A professional exam with our Vancouver, BC dentist Dr. Jan Roberts, and any necessary restorations are highly recommended before any OTC method to make sure that any decay is repaired first and sensitivity is minimized.
Professional power whitening in the dental office generally provides the most effective and comfortable means of whitening the 8 front teeth in the smile zone, as stronger agents are used and the rest of the mouth including the gums is protected. We use special desensitizes for both our in-office and take-home methods that essentially eliminate a common side effect of whitening –tooth sensitivity. When used as a jump-start for take-home whitening (which is always a part of an effective teeth whitening program) power whitening can transform your smile!
Whitening can last Indefinitely, with touch-ups of 1 hour to 1 day every 3-12 months depending on the individual. With no touch-ups the transformation can last 3 months to several years. Contact us to learn more or book an appointment.